Saturday, June 25, 2011

Great Gray Owl with Rob McKay June 24, 2011

Our last day of our holiday was spent with Rob and it was amazing amazing amazing. The last bird of the day was this beautiful male great gray owl. Life just can't get any better.
What a day and what a holiday

If you have time pop onto Rob web site. He is a wonderful photographer and does many types of courses, tours and more.
If you are heading this way book some time with him.

Swainson Hawks and Mountain Bluebirds with Rob McKay

Last night was amazing - Rob McKay who is an amazing photographer, tour guide and most important friend. If you come to Calgary you need to do a tour with Rob.

Swainson Hawks, male and female - the female is still on eggs

Mountain Bluebird male and female

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bald Eagle, Juv Magpies, Merganzers and babies Day 11

This morning we went for a walk at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in Calgary. Tons of mosquito's but lots of great sightings,

Bald eagle

Two juvenile magpies (notice they have no tails) They were screaming asking for food.

Richardson's Ground Squirrel

Merganzer and her 11 babies

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Big Horned Sheep on the road, Male Elk, Landscapes Day 11

On the drive to Calgary there were 6 big horned sheep running up and down the road. The sign said Wildlife on the Road. Here they were.

Male Elk

On the drive up the Kananaskas Trail we reached the top of the mountain. Lots of snow. I again was wearing my flip flops and while taking this shot my foot went deep in the snow. Snow up to my ankles - COLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

On our way to Calgary - see the difference in landscapes

Big Horned Sheep and some Landscapes Day 11

Big Horned Sheep on the hill


Male Elk - Jasper

Male Elk at Jasper

Lake Louise

Moutain Goats with young on the mountain just south of Jasper

Mountain Goats. amazing to watch them run up and down the side of the mountain.

Mountain Goat and her baby

Clark's Nutcracker, and Waterfalls Day 8

Clark's Nutcracker - this bird was so noisy you couldn't help but notice the bird.

At Salmon Arms in the wetlands

see the rainbow in the waterfall