Today my daughter Julie, friend Peter and I went to The Owl Foundation to deliver a injured Barred Owl. It was a male, mature owl with a shoulder injury and also total emaciated (starving).
I picked up the owl from Bowmanville Vet (who received the owl and stabilized it) then I took to the TOF. Once there we were treated to watching Annick check out the owl. She checked the fat level (0), eyes, wings, etc. Also the vet sent the X-Rays so we saw those. We will not know for a few days the future of the owl. Fingers crossed.

Annick also gave Peter a real experience. She took us to see some of the resident and recovering owls, Great Horned Owls, Snowy Owls, Hawk Owl, Short Eared Owls, Barred Owl, Saw-whet owl and some juvenile Great Gray Owls. What a thrill.
Thank you Annick.