A few of the Ducks we saw over the weekend. Wood duck at lasalle was amazing. Sitting on the rocks and the sun even came out for us. Red-necked grebe at Col Sam Smith, Merganzer at Whitby harbour and Long Tailed Ducks at Burlington Bridge.
Jen Howard came down for the weekend. We spend most of it just driving around and saw over 50 species. Owls Owls and more owls. We saw 2 eastern screech owls, 2 great horned owls, 1 barred owl and 1 saw whet owl. Thanks to Phil for showing us the great horned owl and saw whet owl. Amazing
Over the past two days I have seen lots of action in the back yard. Yesterday I saw the owl fly out of the box and land on top of the nesting box. He then flew to the tree behind the house. Quickly he flew to the ground and mantled something. It was dusk so hard to see what it was. Flew back on top of the hummingbird holder. Erle and I then noticed that there was a second owl face in the nest box. YES two owls in the box. The second owl flew out to the cedars.
Tonight I was able to hide behind the tree at the corner of the house and watch the owl. Saw him fly out and land on the same branch again. I also got to hear him whinny. Went inside so not to disturb them.
I don't normally take landscapes but tonight after work I went down to the water to see what it looked like in the storm. Waves were high, no birds flying but out of the corner of my eye I saw the sand blowing onto the parking lot.
Went up closer to check it out and this is what I saw.
Will check it again
A few more shots of Kendal in flight. Please note: The falcons are not flying because of me. Kendal is stashing food on the building and when hunting he is always in motion. Nest season is almost here and they are busy getting ready.
On Sunday I took a short trip to the Harlequin site. Hoping to see both birds I was thrilled to see Quest by the nest and Kendal with food. He put on a great show flying around with the food and screaming. The last shot is Quest at the nest.