2. Red Tail Hawk on Halls Road. March 28, 2009. It was so tame and loved to get its photo taken.

3. Canadian Peregrine Show March 21, 2009. Volunteered for 3 days.

4. Jen and I did a birding trip to Amhurst Island. Feb 28, 2009 - saw so much hard to know where to start. Highlight was 16 snowy owls and some beautiful sunsets and sunrises.

5. Bernie Florence Walter Frank and I went to Thickson Woods to see the great horned owls. No gho but one beautiful long eared owl. Also saw some crossbills and kinglets.


6. On Feb 15 went up to visit Jen and Jef. Highlight was a northern shrike, redpoll and some beautiful scenery.

7. Karen and I took a drive past Peterborough to see this lovely Northern Hawk Owl on Feb 9, 2009.

8. Jen and Jef came to visit my owl spots on Feb 7, 2009. Also saw a cooper hawk, unusual duck and more.
9. Our little screech sunning himself Feb 2, 2009
10. Another quick trip to Thicksons found these lovely kestrels Jan 25, 2009

Our little screech was covered in fresh snow. He was having a bad day Jan 28, 2009

On my way to work I stopped off to check the woods. There was a beautiful long eared owl just sitting there. A couple of shots on January 21, 2009

11. January 11, 2009 Snowy Owls on Strongville Road. Trip with Leslie, Mike, Frank and Walter. Saw 6 owls that day.

12. Jan 5 Carol and I went for a drive - we saw 6 snowys in one location and 1 in another field. The photos below Carol thought was a bucket. It was a beautiful male snowny - what a highlight.

13. January 2, 2009 went out and saw a red morph screech and a harrier flying by.

14. On January 1, 2009 went for a drive to Thickson Woods. Saw a long eared owl, deer, harrier and 2 great horned owls.